Saturday, November 16, 2013

Starting Out... sort of

Well after years of reading other people's blogs and having the idea that I would like to put my thoughts to some sort of use, I decided I was going to start this blog. I don't know what all I will put on here or how regularly I will write or have something to say, I don't care. Ha! And you can't stop me.

I did some M/M writing while I was on Literotica and that sort of tapered off because I was blocked. It's still up but haven't worked up enough courage to start again. I have another story I am working on but definitely not done yet. Maybe I'll ask how to get into Wednesday Briefs or Flash Friday once I get the hang of this blog thingie.

I guess you're wondering about the title, or not. But my life is kinda like a morgue right now. My body is there but not my spirit. Just sort of hanging around to see what will happen with my life.

Yep, pretty much describes my point of view. Like "what the heck", ya know?!?

Anyway I hope sometime in the near future I will put my work on here and people will read.

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